Tuesday, November 21, 2006


At the end of the day, after all the bullshitting and all the psuedo-intellectual mumbo jumbo about life, relationships between human being and society, I will consider myself more or less a dog like person.

I will sniff your hand and if I feel that you are friendly and nice to me, I will wag my tail and show you my belly- so you can rub it.
If I feel you distrust me, am scared of me or just don't like me, I will growl, mark my territory and/or just go along my way.

The only difference between me and dogs is that I am not as open and truthful as them... oh yeah, I also don't sniff other people's arses.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Car booty and cash in the attic

both shows are for selling things useless, or unused in the houses to gather money for some specific reason, such as a new bed, a holiday, a more charity type thing, or new hobby etc.
The difference is that car booty is based on more on rubbage that people have lying around, within lower income families, and the cash in the attic, which the two shows are shown back to back in late mornings in bbc, is more on real antiques, more than 100 years old things collectables.
Car booty sells things in a car booty sale, while as cash in the attic sells things in auctions. Car booty earns such as 200 to 500 pounds, while as the cash in the attic goes for 600 1000 pounds.
Another show which takes the two together is where the participants the red and blue team, goes and buy something at the car booty and then sells it, hopefully for a higher price at an auction!
Is this a representation of the segregation of class that is embedded in British societies? Maybe.

Monday, November 13, 2006

What not to eat: Fish

I have noticed that there is an increase of vegetarians around me. Most of them refuse to eat meat due to generic engineering of farm animals and the way they are treated in the farms and how they are slaughtered etc.
I also believe that if you think about the process the meat we have on our tables go through before it hits the supermarkets, its frightening to even think about what I am actually consuming - the hormones, bad energy and all.
Due to this many people choose to eat vegitables or fish.
Well, one thing most of us haven't noticed yet, is that alot of the fish we consume are also being dealt in similar ways as other animals. Also and maybe more importantly many of our fish and seafood will become extinct in the near future.

In early Nov. the headlines of USA today reads "90% of the ocean's edible species may be gone by 2048"
The Times also published an article with a similar heading "No more fish to eat in 40 years"

This come from several resons.
One reason is that we do consume alot of it without thinking about the consequences. Another very important reason is the way most fish are caught- industrial fishing- vacumming all sea life, and throwing away most of it other than the fish/seafood they need.(for example, when shrimp is caught 85% of what is actually caught is something else- in other words, 85% of other sealife is destroyed for 15% of shrimp)
Another reason is the destruction of coastal areas.

However its not all hopeless, nor am I saying we should go off fish altogether.
Its good to know what is happening in the world, and well choose your fish.
Here are a list of fish that you can eat, and you shouldn't eat- for the sake of the earth and future.

What not to eat
Atlantic Cod
Atlantic Halibut
Chilean seabass (Patagonian toothfish)
Dover Sole
European Hake
European Seabass
Skates & Rays
Tropical Prawns

source: Greenpeace what not to eat

Ok.. its alot of stuff... so I also give you what to eat(for UK)
What to eat(US)
In both sites you can find a nice guide you can print out for yourself and carry around

Also in the Netherlands
Goede vis gids

Yes its hard but as a bookstore in Edinburgh had wrote in their window "activism is the rent we pay for our time here".

Monday, November 06, 2006

voices and sounds

Apparently, human voices go through the wall much easier than music that come out from speakers.
So even if I feel that my voice is much smaller than the sound of the speakers, in the other room all you can hear is the voice.
it must have to do with vibration or somethin...
Or because your ears get used to the music easier than voices- where there is more disruptions.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Whores of Mensa

By far my favourite Woody Allen's essay - in his collection of essays "Without Feathers" - on pseudo-intellectual prostitution..
Its a depiction of a situation where men buy women/more like comparative literature grad students to debate on the literary works - yes some people do get their high like that- I choose more so the debate on music or socio-political issues for mine... but whichever the case

Here is a quote from the essay

"For three bills, you got the works: A thin Jewish brunette would pretend to pick you up at the Museum of Modern Art, let you read her master's, get you involved in a screaming quarrel at Elaine's over Freud's conception of women, and then fake a suicide of your choosing - the perfect evening, for some guys. Nice racket. Great town, New York."

for the whole essay
Whores of Mensa

혹시 여기 온 나의 한국 친구들에게

그래, 영어로 되어 있다...ㅋㅋ.
너무하다고? 그래도 이해해줘야해, 왜냐?! 왜냐면, 그래도 요즘 내가 주로 생활속에서 사용하는 언어가 영어니까, 요즘에는 영어로 글쓰는게 편하다... 그래서,
그래도 너희들 다 영어 잘 하자나 그치? 최소한 다 읽을 수 있잖아. 그리고 아마 어느 언어로 자신을 표현하느냐에 따라 다른 자신들이 나오는데, 영어로 보다 진지해질 수 있는것 같기도 하고.. 모르겠다.
하여튼 여기 종종 오면, 내가 요즘 무슨 고민하고, 무슨 생각하면서 사는지 알 수 있을것임.
이렇게 말하니까 또 쑥스럽군.
원래는 그냥 아무도 모르는 나 혼자만의 공간으로 만들라고 하다가, 그래도 아느 사람들, 그리고 궁굼한 사람들이 내가 도데체 요즘 무슨 생각하고 사는지 알리는것이 굳이 나쁘지만은 않다는 생각이 들어서.. 그리고 사실 직접 전달하기는 어렵지만, 이렇게 보다 간접적으로 적어놓으면 전달되기 쉽지 않을까 생각이 든다.

하여튼... 어쨋던간에 방가.

On Reading

Every novel is an equal collaboration between the writer and the reader and it is the only place in the world where two strangers can meet on terms of absolute intimacy.

- Paul Auster

I Want to Tell You a Story

On being bothered and being a bigger person

I think in most societies, it is considered a good thing to be a "bigger person" no not tall and heavy buff, but like a big person who cuts people alot of slack and have lots of patience and endurance and the sort. On the other hand, people think bad when someone gets bothered about everything and make a fuss... Why can you be a bigger person, they will ask...

The reason this thought occurs to me right now, is because I am living with two girls and yes, they are getting on my nerves. They are nice and all, but yes they still do somethings that trigger off some nerve in my system and I get annoyed. However its seldom that I actually do and tell them or more so confront them with the things that they have done. This is because I think of saying something, and it just seem so minor that I feel like I will become the nagging bitchy type if I do say it.

most of it is not that big of a deal... its just that all these things add up... and I feel like bursting but just cannot, due to the fact that it makes me a nagging person which I do not want to be. Its like in the back of my head, a voice keeps saying "Hey that are minor things, a big person 大人 must not be botherred with things as such" but the thing is maybe I am not one of them! maybe I am just a really nagging controlling person! Ahh yes there it is I've said it! Ha!

But then again, I think again, I myself probably do somethings as disturbing as well, that I do not notice which is bothering my housemates in various degrees. who knows, because we're all trying to be big here...

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Tips on how to work with others; write together or to co-authour papers together

They say - when I say they, I mean people in the academia fields but I think this can hold true for other fields of work - that once you work with someone else it is likely that you will become enemies. If you don't become enemies, then you or the other person is quite generous, acceptable and overall a VERY nice person - or just WEAK!
Whichever the case, working with people is probably one of the hardest thing to do, especially to those of us stubborn f*cks who do not like to "settle" for anything less, and think we are almost always right- unless proven otherwise- and even then its hard to admit to it.

While working with people, I realized that I can really be bitchy, seriously. Well, I do not go and shout obscene things to a person or make rude gestures, but on the contrary, I shut down, making a face- which I thought was just a plain face, but from others comments and a couple of photos of myself I realized was extremely intimidating and scary - which looks as if I am saying "F*ck off or I will kill you" - actually this is what one of my friends said it looks like, on a nice day. And up till now I thought I had a nice sleepy harmless face... well...

And then there is no negotiation... you have crossed the line... and it will be time since I ease out or you actually die.

whichever the case, I have done this again a couple of days ago, and realized this is not good... I must try to work with people, because this is really a reputation. HWA- not Hoes with Attitude but my friend hwa, had once told me how in the communication design Internet site design etc whatyoumacallit industry, because you always have to work with people, such as programmers and the sort, it is very important what kind of reputation you have, because even if you are good/well not great but good/ and have a bad reputation concerning working with other people, then you can't get far... because nobody will work with you.
Of course this might not be the case in Social Science, but still I do think it does make sense to make friends not enemies while working with people, cuz more and more the consensus is that you have to work with people, to various degrees - co-authouring articles, writing books together, being in the same research network etc. it is all about networks these days.

Ok so here are some tips you can use when you have to work with people...
there are some strategies you can choose from.

One is to become extremely passive- do whatever the other person(s) tell you to do... this is hard because it is your baby- the paper/project I mean and you just cannot let it go that easily... but if you can, this is a good idea, and if there are problems and if you can't get into a journal just blame the other person.

Second is to own the project from day one, make sure that you are in charge and make sure the other person knows it too,(in other words, make them yo biatch) so in other words making the other person the first example.

Third, when both don't work is trying to find a dividing point, so for example, chapter 1,2 is yours and 3 and 4 is the other person- or divided by tasks or is more or less independent from one another, although you give each other comments - but just constructive criticism.. not more not less - you need not have to make decisions together.

If this is not the case, another good way to tackle this problem is not to have face to face conflicts but work via internet-e-mails. (using track changes mode) This is good in the sense that you do not have direct interaction with the person, thus you have lesser chances of strangling the person to death because you get frustrated talking to an ignorant wall.

Another good tip is do not write with a person who you are shagging.. this will bring problems in every direction possibly imaginable.

But I have to admit, co-authoured work can develop quite quickly and can result to better quality work, because you get good/quick comments about things easily. However it can lead to end of good friendship extreme stress cancer cells murder and imprisonment.