Thursday, January 25, 2007

Women's sexuality

One of the unsolvable eternal question, can women have sex like men do?
Forgetting the male side of the argument, on the women's side there are two major lines of thinking.
One is that they can't.. borrowing words of Dawn Eden writer of The Thrill of the Chaste
"... it doesn't work. We're not built like that. Women are built for bonding. We are vessels and we seek to be filled..."
More detailed, women are made differently, that women are more emotional than their male counterparts, and we get involved with our mates after sexual intimacy. Trying to make one less connected with your sex partner is fighting your natural instincts. It is not natural...

The other side is that well, maybe one can...
Germaine Greer writer of The Female Eunuch
"Women have somehow been separated from their libido, from their faculty of desire, from their sexuality. They've become suspicious about it. Like beasts, for example, who are castrated in farming in order to serve their master's ulterior motives — to be fattened or made docile — women have been cut off from their capacity for action. It's a process that sacrifices vigor for delicacy and succulence, and one that's got to be changed." (March 22, 1971; The New York Times)

Although I do not believe that what Greer was maintaining for was male sexuality to be imported to females. It is more that there needs to be a revolution of the female sexuality, to embrace it as what it is without being shameful or shy. She did argue for the end of celibacy and monogamy and published a book called "the beautiful boy" which was made "to advance women's reclamation of their capacity for and right to visual pleasure". such as men glorify the teenage female body, let women enjoy the teenage male body...

The arguments on the two sides will be everlasting.
However, one comment made by Zoe Williams "... sex can be an act of equality, entered into with equal enthusiasm by people who enjoy it equally."

Whatever it is, I think one must find a place where one feels comfortable, without thinking what others have said or what you think others will think. It is a true place of intimacy where one should be at the most ease... and utter enjoyment.
One should try out things, both sides, and see which is most comfortable... just as trying out new styles. I don't believe there is just one type of female sexuality (I also don't believe there is one male sexuality as well but not going into that), it can be placed in a whole wide spectrum and although you can be socialized to be one way, try it out and see what happens. And always, always never forget to have fun!

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