Tuesday, October 30, 2007

happiness and brianlessness

There are lots of ways of being miserable, but there's only one way of being comfortable, and that is to stop running round after happiness. If you make up your mind not to be happy there's no reason why you shouldn't have a fairly good time.

Edith Wharton (1862 - 1937), The Last Asset, 1904

I think I've written about this topic several times,like this and this, but generally come to the same conclusions. Do not have any ambitions, be happy. Do not use brain, be happy.
Ofcourse the quote above is abit nihilistic it should be something like,

"enjoy what you have now and forget about how happy you would be only if this or that, then you will be surprised how happy you can be"

To do that we must detach ourselves from our synapses
on a similar note a quote from Ratbert
"My brain is empty, it feels great. Stress is just another word for knowledge!"

Then comes the inevitable question.
Do you choose to think or to be happy?
Can we do both?

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

me, my supervisors and the penis incidents

okay, I am not a person who is shy about talking about sexuality or about male genitalia as most of you might have imagined. This doesn't just stop in my blog, but my every day life, where I believe its quite absurd to taboo some topics which is one of human beings most common denominators which binds us all together. Having said this, I have had just way too many incidents where my supervisors have been acknowledged with this fact, strictly against my wishes, due to my clumsiness.

Just today, as I was checking my e-mail the director of this institute I am staying in, which I will keep the name secret, who is also my "supervisor" so to say came in to confirm a meeting we will have this afternoon. One of the mails I've gotten was the mail which was the comment to the "Korean men bigger penises" incident, about gnomes and their sides job as penis measurer. Of course since I had to find a photo of these penis measuring gnomes, I had a window/tab open with gnomes that looked like penises, a tab open with my blog with the entry, and another open with the e-mail containing the comment about penises...
Trying to hide what I am doing during working hours, I first closed the tab with penis shaped gnomes,, Whew... close one. Then I realized that the blog also contained the word penis several times and noticeably... closed it... however to my dismay, the e-mail window I had open was in the same line.. yikes. but too late. the director had seen it, and as most decent scholars would do, just ignored it by stepping back, not looking at the screen, which he had already glimpsed. Here goes my reputation as a scholar.

But I have to say this wasn't the first nor the most embarrassing experience I had

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I realized

That the more work I do, in front of the computer- the more work I need to do because of specific deadlines etc- the more I write on the blog.
Also I realized that most of these blog entries will not be read by anyone other than my two subscribers= hello there!= and myself.
like lost satellites in outer space. its existence is known only to those who put them up there.... and... internet god, google.

excitement of life is constant

Someone once said, "Only people who live boring lives can write good novels, where as people who live exciting lives, live it and not write about it".

The more and more I see people and their lives, I come to the conclusion that there are two main streams of lives, or people.
Those who have exciting jobs, important jobs which they define themselves with and spend most of their energy on, and those who have rather plain jobs or not too exciting jobs and have exciting after job lives.
These people do not define themselves through their jobs, no jobs are only a means to earn money. They define themselves through their hobbies- well for them the word hobby is not sufficient to describe it, more like second job/life.
These people are the semi-amateur musicians, dancers, sport athletes etc.
Their life consists of trying to finish their "day-job" as soon as possible, without straining themselves too much on it, and going to their "night=job" to really live, fulfil their dreams.

Very few gifted actually are able to do both. Also it is not like you are either one person or another, and you can change during your life course.
There is a balance in the world because of this. IF everyone wanted to strive to be their best in the day-jobs, then it would be too much competition, and visa versa.

Of course then there are people who do not do both... they probably have families and can be considered "professional-fathers/mothers or husbands/wives".who strive to be best at this.

whichever the case, life offers many outlets to put your effort and energy into, and even if one person doesn't put in to one thing, it is certain that there is something else they are doing...

So the excitement? well now to think about it, the efforts one puts in to "live life" is constant.. but people divide it into several ways- 1) work 2) after work leisure 3)family. if 1 is big then 2 or 3 becomes small, ...etc.

put it to equation...

Time/excitement(constant)100 = Xw(ork) + Xl(eisure activities) + Xf(amily) + α(time used to waste on internet, games and other stuff)

Xw = 100 - Xl - Xf - α

As Xl Xf increases Xw decrease. Of course there are people where α is the biggest of them all....or some people where α = Xw or α = Xl
The value of the Xs are different for all people...

Friday, October 05, 2007

Great Expectations.

Although this is one of those posting that does not enhance the world of any more information and is just one of my gibberish..
But anyhow, I've decided that I want to do several things before I turn 40... which is quite a long time away looking at this angle, but then again looking at the way the years pass by I think it wouldn't be too long as well.
Whichever the case
the list goes like this, not in specific ranking or order..

1. learn to speak 4 languages fluently- maybe a couple of more in an intermediate level.. I already am bilingual in Korean and English and speak Dutch more or less okay level, I just need to polish that and learn one more- thus achievable.

2. learn how to play the piano- jazz- enough to go to any bar and start playing a tune or start jamming with other musicians. - I know how to play a bit but if I learn more or less the jazz styles, I won't be able to play pro, but enough to just enjoy ...

3. buy a camera- proper one, start taking proper photos... not much effort needed with the exception of that I need to get more info on stuff..

4. join a dance company semi-pro for atleast a year.. probably salsa.. this takes one year. and that I have to postpone doing other things...

5. live in my sixth country...

Yeah yeah, and then there is find someone get married get a child etc... but well sometime I feel that is much harder to achieve than the list above...

one more addition.. learn how to play bass- funk style, lots of slapping and poping.

Monday, October 01, 2007

found it

Many people say that you really find yourself around the ages of 30 or so. That when you are in your twenties you are still unsure of who you are, and your true identity. You go through the whole process of trying this and that and around 30 you find it. You. Also around that time you find your partner. True most people actually find them around the ages of 25 to 30, but well I guess when you find yourself, it is easier to find the person, the style of person you want to be with.

Style wise I found it. Ofcourse this does not mean that I will stick to this for the rest of my life nor that this is the ONLY style I will stick to, but well let's just say this will be my 30s style. And it is.... drum roll please~~~

Acid Jazz. - a London based movement of music - which combines jazz with soul, funk and disco beats, and includes electronic compositions.

I have grown out of my hip hop RnB trousers and now need to get into my new love for Soul/funk flava jazz.. what is called Acid Jazz.

And due to this, or maybe it was the other way around, I am now searching for someone who will fit this style which can be seen in this music video of Jay Kay of Jamiroquai.

okay, I don't know how as a woman you are supposed to dress accordingly. BUT if you find someone like this- Jay Kay that is and no not the characteristics but mostly the looks or the taste in music- please send them to me. Thank you.

Scrap that. Its not Jay Kay, no .. he's to main stream for me.
Its more Gilles Peterson or Ben Westbeech...ish Acid Jazz fellows

Seriously Ben Westbeech's song is to die for and Gilles Peterson is the guru of acid jazz... so I say.