Thursday, November 29, 2007

WIFI like air should be free

As the use of internet becomes a necessity of life and our reliance on it increases, I believe that people should have the right to free internet access when ever and where ever they are, just as our right for clean water or clean air. It should be a public good, provided by the state as our main basic items for life. It should be free I would say, and well for the technicalities I haven't figured it out yet.

There has been some movement towards this, found in many university where you have free wireless access throughout the university campus, but also now in cities and countries.
It has been anounced that the city of Luxembourg - which is the capital of Luxembourg will provide free wireless internet throughout its land free of charge for its 75 thousand citizens and 125 thousand commuters by the end of 2008. They have projected that this project would cost approximately six million euros.
(see this article for more detail)
The city of Leiden also has an open wireless network since 2002 and many cities are now trying to plan such projects.

Whichever the case, this shows us the trend towards making internet like air.. a necessity for all.

Friday, November 23, 2007

A way to fight low fertility issues

As a sociologist dealing with policy issues, labour markets and the sort- haha! my identity has finally been revealed!! - since the beginning of my studies - which was god knows when - dealt with the issue of low fertility rates across all industrialized countries, and the governments' strategies in tackling this problem.

One thing that has not been done, which was an idea I was toying with was the opposite of the child allowance- which is ran in most countries either through tax reduction for parents with children, or through flat rate benefits given out - we can tax the singles, or slash the singles - which is actually the same thing, flip side of the coin.

In the companies we can always discriminate against singles... as shown in the Dilbert comic below.

Ofcourse I am not serious about this, I mean like I would be the first in line to be discriminated against here, but it is an idea....

Sunday, November 18, 2007

surreal life needs a surreal experience

I know I am not the only one.
I know you, especially you who are over 30 or are leaning close to it, and have lived in several different places throughout your life time have had the same experience as I did, and still do.
Maybe you, all of you, we feel the same.

Life is surreal

More and more I feel like my life is screened in front of me, very closely whilst detached. I am a mere spectator without any power to intervene.

No, it does not mean that I am invisible and feel non-existent in this world, which may or may not really exist.
It means that life does not feel real, life lost its weight its tangible feeling.

Life becomes ever so precarious and frivolous while all things that were thought to be constant looses its grounds.
More and more I feel I need to test each and every rule and principle that was taught to me in my preparation for the role as a part of the mass army of proper citizens.

I can only relate to those who are crazy who have gave up on making sense of it all. They are the only people who are real while the others play a role. They are actually the only sane people in this insane circus of life. The others, who are trying hard to live the normal life are the real loonies of this universe.
Like wise, only experiences that are surreal seem real, while as the normal daily routines seem like mere pictures whizzed in front of my face.

I became more and more appreciative of surrealists art, acts and their thoughts and feel these are the people that I can truly relate to. Those that have had the same sensation.

I know I started writing this for a specific reason to get to a point but forgot... as I always to with my absent mind. My life is so surreal that even my brain has left it.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

The race of races....

This is just a little something to add to my Asian men developing larger penis entry.
Three guys, one Caucasian, one African and one Asian racing in various "obstacle courses".....

... two humps and you're done

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

blog blog and more blog

I've just realized now in this blog I have more than 100... 109 to be exact, blog entries. (actually there are 137 entries, its just that there are 28 entries that are written or some of the ideas have been written yet, I have not the chance to finish and publish them)
None of which have tags.
All of which have diverse topics unlike most other blogs, but mostly about sex and penises... no just joking, but however, the word penis, porn and sex do appear quite frequently-- do a search if you want to see.

I am thinking of tagging my entries to have this in a more organized manner. However, how do you tag blogs? What is the key word? Do you have a set list of words you can use, i.e. sex, penis, blog, beauty, Asia, etc.. but things you can't use, such as a, the, life, society, (two for being redundant and the other two for being too broad and abstract)??

Is there a guideline for tagging? Laws of tagging?
Wikipedia provides definition and examples of tagging here.

Anyways so how do one tag? can we only use nouns? how about verbs? how abstract can one be? what is the optimal number of tags per blog entry???


Post script:..
I've just realized how diverse my blog entries are, and think many people may find it quite irritating, since it isn't focusing on one topic.
I feel like the entries should be divided into three blogs
1) sex, porn, penises and love
2) quotes thoughts and other brain activities
3) me, myself and my everyday life and other boring issues

ofcourse I will not do this. why you ask? because I am not even able to organize my life right now, let alone this blog. For now I will keep it the way it is... also its quite clear that there isn't and won't be any complaints on this matter anyhow

3D Korean Beauty

Long ago, I've written a blog entry on Asian beauty vs. beautiful Asians. This is actually the most hit entry on this entire blog, god knows why. It was about how we Asians consider western features more beautiful than what one would consider Asian features, while in the west, or other non-Asian countries the typical Asian features are considered exotic and beautiful. How strange it was for us to consider our distinctive facial characteristic as being bland or just plain ugly while considering the features that are westernized- Caucasian that is, to be pretty, beautiful. Especially when it is been said that we usually consider things we are used to more pretty than things which are alien to us.

My theory on how Asians consider Westernized, Caucasian features more beautiful than Asian, or Korean in this case, features have been proven to be true once again through this photos/pictures a website in Korea has published on "the perfect 3D beauty".

As you can see this is a face not of an Asian, but well maybe abit middle eastern. The laws of beauty in Korea are found- as I've already noted in my previous blog entry- big round eyes with double eyelids, pointy nose, small white face, small lips, rounder, curvy face- as in flat face as we Koreans usually have as we can see in the traditional masks. The thing is now with enhanced plastic surgery methods and whitening products, many girls actually look like this. Also this face was actually based on couple of famous Korean actress, Young-ae Lee which resembles this 3D beauty, especially the first picture, and Tae-hee Kim.

There is also a male version of the perfect beauty, which really looks like a gay middle eastern man- which from the Iranian President's speech in the US last month, does not exist in Iran. Anyhow, the same principles adhere here, big eyes, sharp nose, but unlike the women abit tanned.

Whichever the case, these pictures show how we really hate our original features of small single eyelid eyes, flat nose, flat face and all. Which I have to say is a well chosen facial features of some of the world wide known Asian super models. However, having said all this and many times, even I myself do find the rounder more bigger eyes with a more curvy facial features attractive maybe due to my socialization in Korea, maybe other reasons. However, the more I see these faces, it does seem like everyone looks the same- the same plastic surgery methods - and seem to lack any real character in their faces.

So in conclusion, to make my eyes and perception change along with those of my fellow Koreans and other Asians, I would really like to see some real Korean feature beautiful faces on screens, magazines etc because I do believe there are as much beauty in these faces, no even more beauty due to the character it holds. If distributed widely and frequently enough, I think the perception of what is beautiful will change after awhile. This in the longer run will do wonders in improving the self image Korean women will have on themselves of considering their natural state beautiful not something that needs to be augmented. but of course will bring bad business to plastic surgeons.

The sad thing is unfortunately this process will probably be done by Western Media and not by Koreans, the same way Zen interior design or Yoga became popular back again in Asian countries only after it became a hit in the US market or in European countries. We need others to tell us we are beautiful because we can't see it in ourselves(which is the point I've made in the previous blog).
Another thing that frustrates me from this beauty conception is that we as in the Asian societies do not have the diversities to have several types of perception of beauty and form one set norm, well at least in Korea. For it is not that I think the 3D beauty is ugly or anything, no, but it is one thing to consider that beautiful and another to consider ONLY that beautiful. We serious need diversified looks, norms and beauties.

Of course having said all this, I know our societies are changing and that our societies are dynamic where even norms change as quickly as the fashion fads. Another good news is the increasing diversification of the racial composition of Korea, where now it boasts 2% of its population of being foreign born or migrants. As social composition becomes diversified I expect, project that our conception of what is beautiful and what isn't will change as well. Or maybe not, maybe we will always look at "Westerners (서양인)" and envy their good looks compared to ours, despising our parents as well as our ancestors for giving us such unfashionable looks.

Charlie Brooker on breaking up with yourself

"I am single... Who am I supposed to slowly fall out of love with? I can't slowly poison my relationship with myself. Or can I?"

= Charlie Brooker, Guardian Nov. 5th, 2007.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

long time no post

I haven't been able to post anything up for a long time.
Of course this was not due to the fact that I didn't have anything to say, not quite the opposite. I had several things to say, but little time to polish whatever that was in my head to make something worth while to read.
however, there have been several topics on which I wanted to write about
women and porn
me and my supervisor and the penis incident II
being insatiable
etc etc

The only problem is that I do feel like if I don't write them right when I think of such thoughts, they tend to disappear, I tend to forget them having a brain which has no capacity to add any more information inside itself.

anyhow the ones I can and will remember eventually just wait a bit they are coming.