Tuesday, July 27, 2010

One liners

hi there.
Since it has been forever since I've posted my last entries, here is something to say.. hey this blog has not been abandoned.

Some one liners i've written in the previous months, travelling.

"You can always blame your parents for everything wrong about yourself, including the lack of respect for one's parents" - in Seoul, May 2010.

"I often wish that the cute guy I meet in an off occassion is gay.... This is how much I love my husband" - after meeting the ultra cute steward on an AirFrance flight to Nantes, June, 2010

"There is no perfect man... there is just that normal guy that comes long in your life, after a series of terrible men, who make him seem perfect in comparison" - thoughts I had right before getting married....

1 comment:

Owen said...

I like the last one.