Saturday, May 26, 2007

porn for women

okay, here is a question.
Is it only men that enjoy porn?
I mean do women not enjoy porn??
actually I was quite surprised by an episode in Oprah where one black actor was confessing to the show audience that he was a porn watcher. As if that was the equivalent of smoking crack. His wife also came out saying how disappointed she was but at the end he kicked his habit, however hard it was, came back to Jesus and is happily married.
I then thought... wait.. why? Did he do something that was that wrong? Is it a sort of adultery to watch porn while married?
I know in some countries there are some aspects of porn that is illegal - for example in the UK .

Whichever the case, is watching porn illegal? is it wrong?
I know it isn't something one can be proud of admitting to, not fancy dinner conversation start up ..such as "Well ol chap I was watching porn the other day..and"
well yes, this is true.. not that its completely impossible.

However it isn't too bad right?
Yes I must admit majority of the porn contents are quite disturbing as well as their titles obscene.
Teen age girl ass fucked <-- This I must admit is the lightest of the titles. If you want to know the titles just check your Spam box.
Women who are against the porn industry point to the fact that porn demoralizes women, they make men perceive women as sex objects who can be just used as toys or for their sexual pleasure. It also takes the emotional connection one (should) can have through sex out of the picture, thus it makes it seem sex is a tool to get rid of sexual drive and nothing more.(which I know for some it is true-- so...well..kinda hard of a topic ain't it?)
However, then the problems can be solved by making good porn. Healthy moral organic porn.
This brings me back to my initial question. Can women enjoy porn?
I think yes, but it depends on what it will contain and how it is made.
Although if you get down to it women will enjoy not porn but more so the (soft core) sex scenes sometimes put in romantic movies.
However, lets presuppose we have to make a porn targeted towards women, then what should be in it?
Hard thick male genitals?
No I think, based on the male porn I've seen- yes I've encountered my share- that women's porn should be more based on foreplay. Male porn movies' foreplay consists of the girl giving the middle aged guy a blow job... no go for women. It has to be proper foreplay with nice music- guys porn doesn't have music or this really hard rock type of music, which is come on.. cannot be a turn on for any sex now can it?
Something like Barry White or Marvin Gaye please. A bit of romantic candle lights or nice sheets- which you cannot find in men's porn- will also be a plus.
It should at least have a bit of story line with it and it shouldn't all be focused on genitals... and no screaming.... bit of noise but not the constant.. oh yas and uh...s... for the viewer this can be a turn off as well as irritating.(and also makes the whole thing quite absurd as well)
What else, oh yeah.. a hard thick long male genitals can't harm but if the price for that is a greesy man with a pornstashe and beer tummy, I say no. Rather a nice body- one of those guys from 300 will do, with waxed chests and nice voice and face will probably be better. Are you with me my sisters??

Just an additional remark. I was also thinking about a porn advisory committee set up by women to control the contents of porn on line and the sort.
This committee will make sure that there is proper foreplay- so that men can actually gain some useful knowledge through the watching of porn- and no fake orgasmic sounds- so that men know what is good and what not. Overall to put some useful info into porn.. how is that? We call this the porn-edu-tainment. Being educated while watching porn.. two for one deal eh?

I"ve just found out that there is a book called "a smart girl's guide to porn"- by violet blue author, columnist, lecturer..etc - also some bits on her blog
whichever the case, the point is there are some porn designed for women! ha~ you hear that ladies? its time to get downloading!


Anonymous said...

How about watching porn as a couple?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Delete blog