Monday, March 03, 2008

Slap me like the Fender Jazz Bass that I am

I love bass players
I have always loved bass players. I don’t know when it all started since I didn’t notice my fascination until I had a collection of boyfriends or crushes with one thing that connected them all, their ability to play bass.
I never fully understood why I fell for these men, but one reason would be that I myself love bass sounds and music with good bass lines.(This is why I love funk)
However, recently I figured another reason why I like them. I feel like I am a bass, and when I hear good bass lines I feel like it, may it be the music, the bass line or the bass player, is playing (with) me. This is related to the theory that all sounds/tones hit a certain part of your body, like drums are connected to the human heartbeats, and etc. And well in relation to this, I realized when you slide your finger on the lower E bass string, it hits right there at my G, if you catch my drift. So when I date these men, I date them in hopes of them being able to play me, my body just like they funk their bass.
Oh btw did I mention of all the bass techniques I love the slapping and popping technique?


hwayoungjung said...

you have me thinking about what the common denominator in my relationships are...I think all of were cynical and extremely sarcastic.

hwayoungjung said...

On more careful reflection, I realize what the common thread is : They have all at one time in their lives been asked the questions: "are you gay? no, but really?"

insatiable hee said...

Actually, all my serious relationships were with guys who have been asked the same gay question... maybe its just that people ask that to all men...
I must admit I have also been asked if I were a lesbian... so...

hwayoungjung said...

really? I've been hit on by a lez (even though I think she knew I was straight), but no one's ever asked me if I was.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.